Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Smoking Stinks

So you finally quit smoking and now you are left with that awful smell throughout your home and car. Don't worry because there are definitely some simple tricks for getting rid of the smell.
In your home:

Just like it took you some time to quit smoking it will also take some time to neutralize the odor that is left behind. A very simple way to help eliminate the smell of smoke is to place saucers of white vinegar around the room and near the affected furniture. Charcoal or baking powder has a similar effect. Leave it in the room overnight or for several days, preferably with the room closed off. Then thoroughly air out the room again.

To remove the smell from fabrics, such as furniture upholstery, sprinkle the fabric with baking soda. Leave it for a few hours, and then vacuum it off.

In your car:
After you quit smoking in your car there are many ways to remove the smell that many believe is impossible to get rid of.

Use vanilla extract. Put a large amount on a piece of rag and throw it under the car seat. It will draw the odor into the rag. If it starts smelling again, use more vanilla.

Just like in your home you can also use vinegar in your car. Place a bowl of vinegar in the car overnight, possibly for several nights. I would suggest you place it on the driver's seat so you don't forget about it the next day when you go to work.

Coffee grounds work like magic, just make sure you don't get them wet. Sprinkle a few cups where you can and leave them there for about a week. This is one of the most effective methods to remove the smell.

Baking soda, charcoal and ammonia all work well too but I would recommend you try the above methods first.For more tips visit us at TimeToQuitSmoking.info

By Willy Krahn