Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bad Breath in Children: How to Ease the Embarrassment

Bad breath in children does occur, but how do you handle it?

If an adult who unknowingly had chronic bad breath spoke to a group of friends, that group would probably not make it obvious.

If a child with chronic bad breath is talking to a group of friends, chances are the group will not have the maturity to deal with it and will probably look away or fan their hand, acting in a way that makes the child with bad breath embarrassed. When bad breath in children does occur it is important to treat it and prevent further occurrences.

Something Stinks: Chronic Bad Breath

Ever wonder why someone with chronic bad breath went around talking to everyone, even in close circles? That is because the person probably had no clue they suffered chronic bad breath, since people cannot smell their own halitosis. During school and in after school activities children participate regularly in interacting with other students which is why bad breath in children should be treated immediately.

If you are not sure if your breath smells bad or not, ask a good friend to let you know. Bad breath happens to everyone at some point and there is nothing to feel ashamed about. You will often find yourself around someone with chronic bad breath, and just remember to that person with the same dignity you would like to be treated with.

What Causes Bad Breath in Children?

Children, like adults, can develop halitosis a couple of ways.

1. First of all, certain foods and even drinks can create temporary bad breath in children. Some known offenders include onions and garlic, but items kids usually eat that cause bad breath include pop, certain juices and cheese.

2. Some children are not big fans of brushing or flossing, yet failing to do both regularly will create chronic bad breath.

3. Thirdly, a dry mouth or post nasal drip from a cold or allergies can create halitosis. Snoring or breathing through the mouth can also cause chronic bad breath in children as this contributes to a dry mouth.

4. Relax. It’s likely not serious. According to WebMD, halitosis is rarely a side affect of more serious health conditions in children. And according to a Journal of Pediatrics study performed in 1999, bad breath in children is caused either by dry mouth or the nasal cavity.

Combating a Child’s Bad Breath

First, look at what your child is eating. Do you serve up garlic or spicy dishes for dinner each night? Is your child a big fan of cheese? If so, try cutting back on the dairy and garlic. Make sure that regular brushing and flossing is occurring, even if you have to stand by and check. To make this more fun, take your child to the grocery store and allow him or her to pick out their toothbrush and toothpaste. If your child is older, it is important to note that alcohol and tobacco cause chronic bad breath.

Finally, make sure your child regularly sees a dentist to have his or her teeth cleaned. These appointments are also a good time to talk with the child’s dentist about halitosis.

The most important part of helping a child with bad breath is to be sensitive and not make the child feel embarrassed or self-conscious. Bad breath is a part of life and something everyone encounters. By zeroing in on the cause, and taking care of it, you can quickly eliminate and prevent bad breath in children.

By : Whozylee Aris

Whozylee Aris has created a website on the topic of bad breath. Find the real causes and cures for bad breath by visiting View this article online at